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Kali Linux Free Download ISO 32 Bit 64 Bit

Bencherz brought another interesting operating system named Kali linux that is available in both 32bit and 64bit and this can be operated from windows using vmware and virtual box on windows 7 and windows 8,10.

Kali Linux Review:

if you ever want to use unique operating system then there is alot of unique hit in the distribution of linux flavors and commited in providing in amazing expertise in security,forensic lab, workspace and penetration testing it is heavily used. linux has different versions and the previous versions name BackTrack was having a complete package of qualtiy tools with multiple language support and presentation.

it provide different pre-loaded tools to launch penetration testing in different fields of security. on it's summry this product is with an objective to keep up os industry security utilities. meta packages control, customizable and command line applications. it also have security features that usb bootable disk can be created making profiles and encryption setup.

using kali linux hacker can hack wifi,website,organization documents and make viruses and many other harmful items to system and can misuse them to steal money.Kali linux free download to use.
Kali linux provide vulnerability finding in the has reader, media player,smooth loging system,desktop, browser for internet run. it can be used to exploting and misusing the system. it has engineering field that provide in checking many kind of vulnerabilities.

Kali Linux Features:

consice security testing operating system
support both 32bit and 64bit
automization to assist users.
can be loaded with windows.
low system specification
free open source project.
multiple tools available.

Requirement Details:

Name: Kali Linux
System: Operating System
size: 2,90 gb
license: freeware
ram: 512mb
hdd: 4gb disk space 
